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Brokenness Comes in Many Forms


A Child Sees Brokenness

I clearly remember as a child, going into a neighbor’s attic while my mother and a neighbor talked in the living room of the neighbor’s home. I had permission to climb the stairs and entertain myself by poking around up there. The place offered me an adventure, but I didn’t go any further than the top of the stairs because right there, to my left, was a small statue of a dog. I’m a dog lover. And I was a dog lover back then. 

My brothers and I had a real dog, and it was healthy and whole. The plaster dog at the top of my neighbor’s staircase was not. It’s leg was completely broken off. That stopped me in my tracks. I tried to make my brain come up with a solution for a dog without a leg, but there was none. Sometimes when I see a beggar on a street corner I have the same feeling of helplessness. So that’s who I am at the core . . . an average person with above average compassion, needing the Heavenly Father to help me in helping my fellow man.

Invisible Brokenness 

Brokenness Comes In Many Forms. So does bondage.

I’m involved in targeting bondage issues because I hate lies. Lies misinform. Sometimes they are about who we are. Maybe more specifically, who we are not. Lack of self-esteem is a form of brokenness, and vulnerabilities often stem from lies. It seems to me that bullying is grounded in lies. Lies are powerful. They are like traps that are rusted shut, unable to be pried open. 

God has an answer for self-esteem. We are made in his image.

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God, and such we are.”  1John 3:1

Helpful resources: 

Raising Low Self Esteem by Dr. Chris Williams

Troubled Teen Warning Signs by Crosswinds


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