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Finding Hope for Individuals Who Are Lost or Trapped


With the help of the Heavenly Father, I’m advocating for trapped individuals, and I’m seeking to point the victims of human trafficking and other bondage issues—trapped individuals—toward a life worth living, to abundant life and how to claim it. 

So how could this apply to living in a leper colony in Sri Lanka? Well, God hasn’t placed me in Sri Lanka. Definitely not. When he does, I’ll try to find the answer to that question. But for now, I’m not living in Sri Lanka. I’m in middle Tennessee where thousands of  girls, women, and yes, children—boys too—are tricked and enslaved by vicious predators.

Faith is a gift.

I’m a a believer, a fighter, a survivor, a thinker, a doer, a planner, a visionary and a Milquetoast. More often than not, “Milquetoast” appears weak. But my weakness is also my strength: I’m compassionate.

God seems to have empowered me for a battle against the despicable claim that evil tries to imprint on vulnerable youth…or individuals at any age for that matter.

For instance:

  • Low self-esteemed individuals who feel friendless
  • Adults with no anchor to hold them when times get tough
  • Anyone who seems to be lacking hope

Does someone come to mind?

Don’t ignore your instincts.

Here are some resourcesthat may be helpful:

  1. Raising Low Self-Esteem by Dr. Chris Williams
  2. Finding Hope, a list by Bible Hub
  3. Risk Factors & Warning Signs by Crosswinds Youth


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