Out of Bounds!
“You’re out of bounds! And you’re not going to score anymore!” That was the yell coming from the boy behind me at last Friday night’s football game. He was not more than five years old, but he was completely determined to exercise his voice against the powerful team who was winning.
They did score, though, and in spite of my 6’4”, 235-pound grandson’s tackling prowess on his high school team’s field, we lost 53 to 35. Bummer there, but it was thrilling to watch Big John in action. Once upon a time, he was my munchkin sitting in a highchair at my kitchen table.
It’s been rewarding to watch John grow into a young man, respecting boundaries that are certain to mold his life for a winning future. He has a foundational strength that assures his victory.
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
Breaking The Rules
Since I don’t drink coffee it seems odd to pull from the past a moment when coffee was a special treat, but add to it a doughnut and a four-year-old girl. I’m pretty sure that’s about how old I was when my daddy let me sink my Krispy-Kreme doughnut into his steaming cup of black joe. Presto: a soggy, hot morsel of sweet goodness, and a great memory of one of my daddy’s ways of showing love.
Daddy could break the rules because he made them. At least he could where an adult beverage was concerned, and thankfully that’s the extent of the rules he broke with me.
I’ve spoken with two women in the last three weeks who told me their father crossed much more serious boundaries and molested them.
My participation with the movement to end human trafficking and sex abuse has taught me that, as appalling as the fact is, most children are victimized by someone known to them.
Overstepping The Boundaries
I can’t imagine coming to terms with a memory such as that, but I know I’ve hurt those I love in unspeakable ways, and sometimes I’m not even aware of them.
Just knowing goodness can be restored is a powerful thing.
Ever hurt someone you love?
You might like, as I do, verse 17 from the Bible in chapter 30 of Jeremiah:
For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord.