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Little Girls

I have the neatest blessing on Sunday mornings. It involves a little girl who, without fail, runs up to me after church to give me a big, big hug. Maybe more accurately described, her embrace would be a tackle if it were not for my sturdy legs. And I’d be on the floor...

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As a teenager I was constantly in search of something more—more popularity, more connections, more clothes—like a fisherman anticipating a whopper of a catch. But what I was reeling in was never enough. There was something more out there. I’m not talking about the...

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Little Girls

I have the neatest blessing on Sunday mornings. It involves a little girl who, without fail, runs up to me after church to give me a big, big hug. Maybe more accurately described, her embrace would be a tackle if it were not for my sturdy legs. And I’d be on the floor...

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As a teenager I was constantly in search of something more—more popularity, more connections, more clothes—like a fisherman anticipating a whopper of a catch. But what I was reeling in was never enough. There was something more out there. I’m not talking about the...

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“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”

George Washington Carver

“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”

George Washington Carver

“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”

George Washington Carver

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