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Games People Play


Playing board games is an interesting way to interact with friends and family—often very telling. Qualities are revealed, attitudes are exposed, roles are played. For instance, there’s the yawner who goes face down on the game pieces before the evening is half over, the slouch who spills Coke on the chips and eats popcorn with her mouth open. There’s the competitive one who’d rather forfeit his normal good nature trying to win rather than keep quiet and play. There’s the scorekeeper, easily recognized by his humming “Your Cheatin’ Heart,” and last but not least, the loser with the bad attitude who’s determined to play another round—and another—desperately hoping to even the score. The winner, of course, has already left the room.

The game itself keeps us connected. Relationships are kind of like that. Life is too. Issues surface. Hopefully though, as persons apart from game-playing, we stay connected. We gather to connect, we relate, we share ideas and somewhere in the process of being together, issues get solved.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12


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