THE SKY’S NOT THE LIMIT when it comes to child exploitation and the sexualization of young children. Child exploitation is a highly controversial subject stemming from the recent release of the film “Cuties.” Whether or not Netflix’s “Cuties” is here or gone, in the wake of the public outcry, it’s definitely in our face.
Simply stated, the demand for pervertedness is on the rise, and child exploitation is a high commodity.
The film is justifiably controversial and may have pushed the legal limits to exploit child sexualization.
But wait. Producers say, “Some surface-level readings miss what the work digs into because it’s not obvious at first glance.” Isn’t that a sheer enticement to watch it and see for yourself just how wholesome their intention is? Could we be so blind to miss seeing intentional slime?
1. A Fresh Form of Slime Is In Our Face
“Cuties” controversy has promoters saying, “If you haven’t seen it, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Here’s a preview: 11-year-old girls in provocative attire are involved in sexually exploitative exhibition. According to the Department of Justice, the film promotes child exploitation (Jan.19, 2017). Nudity is not required for it to be pornography.
Under Federal Law, child pornography is defined as a visual depiction of any kind, including photographs, film, video, or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means of sexually explicit conduct. It is illegal to possess, distribute, or manufacture these images.
How many slimes in the face are required before it’s impossible to keep from throwing up?
2. Atrocities Don’t Lie Dormant
Whether the trauma is war-related (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD) or abuse- related, psychological effects are ones that linger for a lifetime.
The advent of the internet created a new tool for child-pornography collectors, traders, and manufacturers to sexually exploit children. Before the digital age, child pornographers relied on physical exchanges or the U.S. mail system to gain access to illegal material. The internet provided an instant, somewhat anonymous, at-home vehicle for these individuals to meet one another, trade files, and access children to victimize.
Now we have Netflix to help promote child exploitation. Netflix may have said they’re sorry, of course. Even so, the agenda to titillate the population for monetary gain at the expense of minors is nonetheless despicable.
3. Mad Pearl-Clutchers Have A Wonderful Opportunity
Supposedly, a deeper message in the name of ART allows for any and every form of defilement known to man to be presented for our “enlightenment.”
Gently, gradually, we’re being duped into thinking the sky’s the limit with regard to immorality.
It’s slipped-in slime, positioned to be passed off as ART, hopefully having you and me believe it is normal to see this garbage. And if you see it as such, would you join me in embracing the ID “pearl-clutcher?
A pearl-clutcher (derogatory term) is a prim, prudish, or easily offended person. Can you get mad with me over the injustice that creeping in to make child exploitation just another everyday occurrence?
One place to start is by going online to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
As the nation’s clearinghouse and comprehensive reporting center for all issues related to the prevention of and recovery from child victimization, NCMEC leads the fight against abduction, abuse, and exploitation – because every child deserves a safe childhood.
Another place to start is to recognize the sky’s not the limit. Dangerous crimes against our children require pearl-clutchers to get mad, vocal, and active.