Reasons, Visions, and Challenges
The Good Kind
What reasons can you claim to rekindle enthusiam and ambition that may have dwindled? What would truly set determination in motion for you? As an author, I’ve learned that I require a burning reason to write. And it needs to be more than a goal. It has to be an obsession. The good kind that will light a fire in my soul!
Not until I became intensely and personally attached to the main character in Eastbound From Flagstaff was a fire lit in my soul. The insatiable need to tell Simon Hagan’s story gave me the reason for my motivation. What deep-seated reasons might give you the enthusiasm to move forward on a project you’ve set aside?
Motivation often looks for a reminder.
“For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you . . .” – 2 Timothy 1:6
The Vivid Kind
What vision can you paint on the canvas of your mind? Literally, what picture can you develop, and color, and point to that represents the desire of your heart? The process of writing a novel is fraught with perils. But I love it! When the fire in my soul is more like a dying ember than a dancing flame, I have to dig into my sources of inspiration. One of those sources is my word bank. Drawing from my depository of delicious words has its own way of sparking new thoughts—the vivid kind that will light a fire and set my creativity aflame!
Where in your memory can you retap the dreams that once charmed your imagination?
The Relentless Kind
What challenge can you throw at your idle or sluggish self? Challenges, you know, have a way of getting you off your tush!
So why not? Why not make yourself rise to the potential that is yours? Challenge yourself with this thought from Andy Rooney:
“I’ve learned that opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.”
Is that a spark you can use? If so, make the challenge a good one — the relentless kind that will light a fire in your soul!