A Little Girl Dream What little girl hasn’t loved dressing up as a princess? Cinderella made little girls dream of finding a handsome prince, marrying him, and living happily ever after. Unfortunately, for the many thousands of victims of human trafficking, hope to...
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A Resolution That Matters
Kicking Back Of course! Christmas was the best ever. With six grandchildren at my house for seven days and seven nights, how could it be anything else? They've returned to their homes, settled in, and have returned to school. With the New Year under way, it’s time to...
Little Girl Dream
A Little Girl Dream What little girl hasn’t loved dressing up as a princess? Cinderella made little girls dream of finding a handsome prince, marrying him, and living happily ever after. Unfortunately, for the many thousands of victims of human trafficking, hope to...
A Resolution That Matters
Kicking Back Of course! Christmas was the best ever. With six grandchildren at my house for seven days and seven nights, how could it be anything else? They've returned to their homes, settled in, and have returned to school. With the New Year under way, it’s time to...
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
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