What’s black and white and red all over? My dad pulled that one on me at least once when I was growing up. The news, of course! Just look what comes out of black and white piano keys. Often, a whole lot does. I took piano lessons in those same growing up years when my...
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It’s Not All Black and White
What’s black and white and red all over? My dad pulled that one on me at least once when I was growing up. The news, of course! Just look what comes out of black and white piano keys. Often, a whole lot does. I took piano lessons in those same growing up years when my...
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, And tolerant of the weak… Because someday in your life you will be all of these.”
George Washington Carver
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