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Love, Lifting Me Higher

Unconditional love, lifting me higher and higher, is far more spectacular than any ride above the horizon. Be it a hot air balloon or hang glider, life doesn’t get any more exhilarating than loving or being loved. 

Flying High, Knowing The Answers to Life’s Big Questions 

What is my purpose in life? 

How do I find the meaning of life?

Is there one thing I could do that would make me feel I’ve been successful?

Will I be remembered after I die? 

These questions are asking the same thing: Why am I here?

Uncontrollable or catastrophic events happen. The “wind” changes, and the question deepens. 

Depending upon what day it is, the opposite happens. We think we have the answers to life’s big questions. And we are flying high.

What About When We Don’t Know The Answers?

A hot air balloon seems passive to me, although I have never ridden one. I’m told most passengers don’t realize how peaceful and majestic the flight can be. 

Since passengers travel with the wind, they glide through the air at low and high altitudes. The only time they feel the breeze is when the altitude and the wind speed changes. 

They are carried, relying on the invisible source of power to lift them higher and higher. 

In somewhat the same manner, various altitudes and wind speed changes carry life’s passengers on a journey. 

At the end of the day, there is but one wind, one answer for life’s big questions. 

Isaiah 43:4

Because you are precious in my eyes and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. 

Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher

How about recalling, if you can, the song entitled Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher? It’s one that rocks ’n rolls with all the momentum of a helium balloon on the loose. 

Another one to remember is one I sang in my church: Love Lifted Me.

Kim Hopper has an amazing version on YouTube.

Have life’s big questions left you longing for one good answer? Why not rely on the fact that we don’t actually know them. God does.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.


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